
  • How does a quality management system work?
  • How to prepare the Management Review Meeting?
  • How to optimize a production process?
  • How to check if the quality system is well doing?
  • How to perform an audit?
  • How to design and interpret steering indicators?
  • How to ensure continuous improvement?
  • How to make efficient and participative brainstorming?

Training is one of the ways to answer those questions and to improve the competence of your staff in management.


We propose generic and tailor made training-courses dealing with all activities related to quality management (see our dedicated website: Training session can be organized in our Institute in Geneva or on site.

Our added value

Since 1995 our Institute (Optimum Institute, Geneva), has trained in quality management around 3’000 managers all over the world.
Its pedagogic and participative methods, as well as the certificates and diploma it delivers, are accredited by the International Standardization and Accreditation Services (ISAS) and by EduQua (standard for training institutes), whereas the Optimum Institute is ISO 9001 certified.

Get more information on our courses dedicated to media:
MBA in media management
Training course on Quality Auditing with ISAS BCP 9001
Awareness session
