To what extend does the ISAS BC/P 9001 certification influence the quality of content?
Like ISO 9001, ISAS BC and P 9001 standards encourage companies to improve their internal organization and processes. They are not directly takling with contents (article, program, feature). Anyhow this approach has a major impact on quality. By optimizing processes, clarifying responsibilities, identifying shortcomings, listening to readers and stakeholders, the ISAS BC/ P 9001 certification process generates the conditions to improve performance, ethical behaviour and content.
Why do journalists need procedures?
Procedures are not meant to generate bureaucratic rules, but to simplify daily work and avoid recurrent errors. They are fixing the existing way of doing and know-how in order to permit new comers to be operative. Procedures also give indication on milestones, responsibilities and outcomes linked to a defined activity. They should be understood and used as a kitchen recipe.
Is ISAS BC 9001 standard adapted to both public and private broadcasters?
The standard definitely applies to both public and private broadcasters. Some requirements are specific to the public sector and appear as such in the text. The only broadcasters and internet producers excluded from certification are those who specialize in content that cannot meet the general aim of the standard, such as pornography or hate propaganda. State media cannot apply either, because their editorial independency is not ensured. Anyhow all kinds of media can implement a quality management system. The quoted restrictions are only for certification.
How long does it take to meet the requirements of the standard and get certified?
This depends on the size, activities, nature of the organization and the complexity of its processes. In general, it takes from 9 to 18 months to comply with the standard’s requirements and to be certified.
Is the certification adapted to small organizations and structures?
Every organization, whatever its size, can implement a quality management system. The standard is giving objectives but doesn’t say how to reach them. This means that each organization can design a tailor-made system, which matchs with its needs. The most simple, the best, if all requirements are met.
Isn’t it a bureaucratic exercice?
It can be if the company decides to create too many documents and tools. We recommend to concentrate on critical activities, those that can damage a broadcaster’s or newspapers’ quality or image if they are handled poorly.
What are the comparative benefits of the BSC Model and ISAS BC/ P 9001 Certification?
The Balanced Score Card Model is totally integrated into the ISAS BC/ P 9001 certification schemes. Both models are NOT in competition but complementary. The BSC Model is very effective for reporting the performance of the company through appropriate indicators and “dash-boards”. It brings a useful response to several, though not all, requirements of the ISAS BC/ P 9001 certification.
Is there a risk of governments using ISAS BC/ P 9001 as an instrument to control media?
No, on the contrary. The independent, professional audit which is essential in the certification process insures that the relation between broadcaster and government is transparent (requirement of both ISAS BC and P 9001 standards).
Is ISAS BC P 9001 certification supported and encouraged by professional organizations?
Yes, the International Federation of Journalists and the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development officially support ISAS BC/ P 9001 standards. Other leading professional organizations, such as the World Association of Newspapers, the European Broadcasting Union, and the International Press Institute have expressed their interest.
How do media enterprises prepare themselves to introduce a quality management system?
The levelling process leading to the compliance with the requirements of ISAS BC/ P standards takes between 9 and 18 months depending on the size of the organization. The best way to manage this levelling process is by working with a consulting firm which will bring during this period all the necessary tools, methodologies and coaching.
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