Getting more efficient, optimizing the production and administrative processes, maintaining and diffusing to the staff the professional know-how of the company, monitoring the critical activities, improving the client (advertisers and audience/ lectors) satisfaction, preventing defaults and maximising opportunities are the main tasks performed by the quality management system.
The design of a media quality management system requires an initial 2 day involvement of your management team to sketch its architecture. Then the implementation requires a substantial participation of the operating staff to write procedures and other documents fixing the know-how of the company, describing roles, defining controls (10 hours per document). Eventually the quality team would need 5 additional days to be trained, to polish the system and to implement the steering tools, such as dash boards, diagram of risks, follow up of corrective and preventive actions, etc.
Our added value
We provide your media company with a 20 year old experience in quality and a 8 years in media quality management; we are working in constant exchange and cooperation with the Media & Society Foundation, at the origin of ISAS BC 9001:2003 & ISAS P 9001:2005 standards ( Our experts take advantage of our worldwide media management database, knowledge and know-how to advise and guide you step by step.